About Us

Elite Custom Compounding was established by Tim Walsh, Rich DeLucca and Steve Wagner in 2017. Elite was founded on the basis of close customer connection and creating innovative compounds for the fluoropolymer industry. With over 100 years of combined experience, we are capable of taking on any challenge you may have for us.

Meet Our Founders

Tim Walsh

Tim is the President of a fluoropolymer reprocessing company. For over thirty years, his company has created innovative solutions for reprocessing multiple forms of fluoropolymers. His company has contributed greatly to the polymer green initiative for companies throughout the world. With his success in recyclability, he is ready to expand into the compound division of fluoropolymers.

Rich DeLucca

Rich has over 45 years of experience in all aspects of the production process, most recently in research and development and technical service of fluoropolymer compounds.  Rich was granted a patent developing a process for incorporating various PTFE micro-powders into fluoro-elastomers for better mold release and improved tear strength.

Steve Wagner

Steve is expert in fluoropolymer processing and research and development. For over 20 years, he has amassed a vast knowledge of extrusion of complex fluoropolymer compounds during his time as a research and development technician. His experience gives Elite tremendous capabilities in the development of new and innovative compounds.